Vlad was a young man who wanted to be smart and invincible. He researched about techniques to become an immortal. The only thing he found was a website about vampires. He took a quiz and answered each question the best he can. At the end he found out that he was the only vampire who was not bitten. He was born a vampire. It all started to seem ” untrue” so he didn’t believe the website. Few days after his vampire quiz, Vlad started to feel a terrible pain in his teeth, they seemed to get pointy. Soon, his skin became pale and white. His parents also thought he was getting terribly sick. Vlad had searched for the reason for what was happening. Finally, he found the vampire website’s owner , Dracula count. He searched for his house address and sent a post to him. In a blink of an eye he replied back.
” You didn’t believe the website, which means you are not a born or bitten vampire. Your wish was so strong that it came true. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR! ”
At that moment, Vlad knew his life was about to change once for all!